The mackerel sturgeon has provided taste experiences beyond expectations
Chef Alfred is ecstatic when he talks about what the restaurant in Balestrand has had on the menu since September.
- "I've worked here for 25 years, but I've never tasted a mackerel sturgeon from Norway before. This is really fun," says Alfred Kerschbaumer, head chef at Kviknes Hotel.
It was in September that the chef got wind of the fish being caught west of Ona on the Møre coast. He read about the 190 mackerel trout weighing between 170 and 300 kilos in Bergens Tidene. This was something he wanted to get his hands on - and he did.
- "The fish was delivered to Balestrand in a giant box with lots of ice. It was impossible to move," laughs the chef, who explains that the fish weighed over 200 kilos before it was gutted.
-"We actually had to gut the fish in the box and cut it into smaller pieces before we could put the meat in the freezer," says Kerschbaumer, who was interviewed by Sogn Avis (pdf).
Kviknes Hotel is a historic hotel with a beautiful view of the Sognefjord. We currently have two restaurants: Balholm Bar and Bistro (à la carte), and Spisesalen (buffet and menu of the day). In addition, we have Sognefjord's most extensive wine cellars. Read more.
"The calf of the sea"
Mackerel sturgeon is the largest tuna species. It is one of the fastest of all bony fish, and is uncommon in Norwegian waters today. The meat is tender and can be described as a mixture of marlin and veal, hence the nickname "the calf of the sea".
- This fish has a delicious taste. It is best eaten raw, or partially raw. In many parts of the world, mackerel trout is sold for several million kroner. It is one of the most expensive types of fish in the world. And I've never tasted it so fresh and delicious before! I can't believe we got it to Kviknes Hotel," says the chef with satisfaction.
Kerschbaumer has spent a lot of time tasting his way to the perfect menu, with food paired with wine. Together with the other chefs at the restaurant, they have tried different variations of both starters and main courses.
The starter of the marrowfish was a tartare.
The main course of the mackerel trout was a pan-fried steak.
Can feed 800 people
The result is an appetizer with tartare, which is raw fish, together with plum jelly to add a sweetness. In addition, a chili mayonnaise to add something spicy, and avocado to give a nice and round taste.
- Many people use mango with mackerel trout, but we wanted to find local produce. This was in the middle of plum season, so we got plums from the neighboring garden. This jelly is absolutely delicious.
For the main course, the chefs settled on a pan-fried steak of mackerel trout. Just quickly fried in sesame seeds, slightly warm inside, but not cooked through. This was accompanied by a sweet potato and carrot puree with crispy fennel and lemongrass.
- The feedback has been absolutely fantastic. What's fun is that so many local people from Balestrand have stopped by to get a taste of the sensational fish. They hear the story and are absolutely ecstatic," says Kerschbaumer.
In total, the fish will feed around 800 people, with an appetizer or a main course. That's an incredible number of dishes from one and the same fish.
- Now it looks like the last chance will be during Balejazz in May. Then we have "Jazz, wine & dine" where we serve a 4-course meal and I will use the fish as an appetizer. In addition, guests will be recommended wine from Sognefjord's most comprehensive wine cellars here at Kviknes Hotel," says Kerschbaumer.
- But it's likely that the rest of the fish will disappear," adds the chef.